Session Organizers
- Radmila Juric This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This session intends to bring together researchers from various disciplines, who share the vision and would like to use the power of semantic web technologies in order to resolve problems in modern computational environments where information overload, user generated data and pervasiveness of software, hardware and services dominate. We would like to encourage the submissions of papers which show the usage of semantic web technologies within and outside the semantic web world and incorporate the power of languages and reasoning from the semantic web technology stack in computational models which depend on formal knowledge and reasoning upon it across domains.
Modern computational spaces are semantically rich, constantly changeable and often pervasive. They become “intelligent” because they heavily depend on the way we collect, interpret and manipulate the semantic from them. A multitude of computational, wearable and hand-held devices and software artefacts, which are blended transparently in our environments, require software applications which are self-configured, self-tuned and adaptable to demands imposed on them: they adjust their behaviour according to the contexts and situations in which they happen to reside. Therefore it is a must to build semantic software application by understanding the environment, grasping the meaning of information stored within it and reasoning upon its content and the way we wish to interact with them.
Topics for this session include but are not limited to:
- Semantic Web
- Semantic Computing
- Data Modeling