Session Organizers
- Prof. Dr. Nermin Suljanovic University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. dr.nermin.suljanovic@ieee org
Nowadays, power systems are facing with a challenge of the increased incorporation of distributed generation, requirements for the charging of electrical vehicles, general need for the reduction of carbon emission and a new role consumer which are taking an active role. While power system relies on ageing infrastructure, it is necessary to increase grid resilience and provide self-healing capability. This task requires deployment of advanced information, communication and control technologies on the top of a power grid. This concept is also known as a smart grid.
The session aims to allow researchers and experts in the area of smart grids to present their latest results as well as successful deployments and field trials.
This session calls for papers that present:
- Smart Metering and Advanced Metering Infrastructure
- Communications and networking technologies for smart grids
- Microgirds and renewables integration
- Monitoring and automation in the distribution grid
- Demand response and dynamic pricing
- Electrical vehicles
- Adapting power system components to the smart grid requirements
- Data collection and analysis
- Smart grid deployment